Installing MMODES ================= A Python version >= 3.6 is required in order to install MMODES (install `Python 3 `_). To avoid messing up with versions, working on a `virtualenv `_ might be a good idea. PIP Install ~~~~~~~~~~~ It's recommended to install MMODES via pip. This way, the latest stable version of the package is guaranteed. Naturally, in order to install MMODES through pip, pip tool is required (if it isn't installed, check the `pip's installation instructions `_). Usually, the *--user* flag is required. On a bash shell: .. code:: bash pip3 install mmodes --user Build from SOURCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Otherwise, you can build from the `GitHub repository `_. `COBRApy `_ version used is 15.2. `Scipy `_, `numpy `_, `matplotlib `_ and `dill `_ are also required. A cobra version >= 14 should also work, albeit not being guaranteed. .. code:: bash git clone # or ssh cd path_to_mmodes/mmodes sudo python3 install DOCKER Install ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A docker image is currently under development. Uninstall ~~~~~~~~~ Uninstalling can be accomplished via *pip*: .. code:: bash pip3 uninstall mmodes --user # if user install sudo pip3 uninstall mmodes # if superuser install (from source)