The Consortium Object

The Consortium Class is the central axis of the MMODES package. It carries all the required parameters to run a dynamic simulation of a microbial community.

Most common parameters

class Consortium(max_growth = 10, v = 1, stcut = 1e-8, title = "draft_cons", mets_to_plot = [], work_based_on = "id", manifest = "", comets_output = False)
  • max_growth (if) – is the maximum biomass that a GEM model is allowed to reach (default = 10)
  • v (float) – is the volume of the modeled space. Amounts will be transformed to concentrations using this parameters (default = 1). Units are arbitrary, but L are used by convention.
  • stcut (float) – is the limit of biomass flux (growth increment) where the simulation is considered to have reached a stable state and stops. Turn to a negative number to keep the simulation running (default = 1e-8).
  • title (str) – of the generated plot of the simulation
  • mets_to_plot (list) – are the metabolites to be later plotted.
  • work_based_on (str) – (=”id” | “name”) is a REALLY important parameter. It indicates whether extracellular metabolite names or ids should be used to communicate models and understand the medium. One should use the attribute (id or name) that is consistent among all the GEM models (just consistency on the extracellular metabolites is required) (default = “id”)
  • manifest (str) – if a non-empty string is provided, it will output a fluxes TSV file to this path (default=”“).
  • comets_output (bool) – whether output (including fluxes) should be written in COMETS-like format.

COMETS-like output can be used to visualize reaction fluxes in VisAnt.

Setting models

dModel objects are containers of COBRA model objects, with some features to compute the multi-strain simulation. The method to add a GEM model to the Consortium is the following:

Consortium.add_model(mod_path, volume_0, solver = "glpk", method = "pfba", dMets = {}, limit = False)
  • mod_path (string) – path to the model in SBML, MAT or JSON format.
  • volume_0 (float) – initial concentration (usually, g/L) of biomass.
  • dMets (dictionary) – of : dMetabolites.
  • limit (maximum) – biomass values that is allowed for this particular dModel (default = False, no limitation).

More information about the limit parameter and the dModel in general can be found on The dModel Object.

Setting media is a simple dictionary of metabolite ids/names : concentrations. It can be passed as a simple dictionary. Also, a handy method is provided to read from a JSON file object (with the structure of a dictionary).

Consortium.set_media(media, concentration = False)

Adds media as the Consortium medium object. If concentration is True, values of the dictionary will be converted to concentrations (using the volume parameter).

Consortium.media_from_json(jfile, concentration = False)

Uploads medium from a jfile path. This path corresponds to a JSON file which contains a dictionary.


Concentration units are arbitrary, although the convention dictates mmol/L for metabolites and g/L for biomass. Take into account consistency among units when instantiating the medium. Also, time is assumed to be in hours.

Running the Community simulation, integrator='vode', stepChoiceLevel=(0., 0.5, 1000.), verbose = False, outf = "plot.tsv", outp = "plot.png", plot = True, actualize_every = float('-inf'))

Starts the community simulation, solving the system of ODE’s.

  • maxT (float) – in time simulation units (hours), simulation will stop when it reaches this parameter (default = ‘10’).
  • integrator (str) – (‘vode’ ‘dopri5’ ‘fea’ ‘rk4’) type of ODE integrator (default = ‘vode’).
  • stepChoiceLevel (str) – (0, max time step, max number of time-steps) for vode and (time-step, 0, max number of time-steps) for the rest of integrators (default = 0., 0.5, 100).
  • verbose (bool) – a verbose simulation will show a progress bar and the reason of exiting the simulation (default = False).
  • outf (str) – path where the output will be generated (default= plot.tsv).
  • outp (str) – path where the plot will be generated (default= “plot.png”).
  • plot (bool) – whether to generate the plot (default= True).

Assigning a maxT parameter doesn’t guarantee to reach that time, since simulation could be terminated when it reaches the maximum number of steps (in stepChoiceLevel), when it’s stabilized (stcut in the Consortium) or when some simulation exceeds that maximum growth (max_growth in the Consortium, different from limit in The dModel Object).

Once the simulation is finished, the output could be later generated:
from mmodes.vis import plot_comm
plot_comm(cons) # cons is a Consortium object which has already run

On this point, other metabolites could’ve been plotted changing mets_to_plot attribute of Consortium.


Please, take into account that the results will be appended to outf and the plot will be generated from this path. Thus, make sure a file with this name doesn’t exist before a simulation is started.

Adding perturbations

Metabolites and perturbations are added with the following method:

Consortium.add_mets(pert, concentration = False)
  • pert (dict) – same format as media. Additionally, keys corresponding to model ID’s can be used to add biomass to a model.
  • concentration (bool) – whether amounts in pert should be transformed to concentration units.

Once the method has been called, the same Consortium can run again, simulating a perturbation.

Putting it all together:
from mmodes import Consortium
from mmodes.vis import plot_comm

cons = Consortium()
cons.add_models(mod_path = "path_to_some_model_file.mat", volume_0 = 0.001)
cons.add_models(mod_path = "path_to_some_other_model_file.xml", volume_0 = 0.0012) = cons.media_from_json(jfile = 'some_dict_file.json') = False)
cons.add_mets({'glc[e] : 0.02'}) = False)